InStar Netzwerkkameras
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3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working

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3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working Empty 3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working

Beitrag von joobur Sa 19 März 2011 - 19:10

After a few hours the 3010 loses the wlan connection. After a reset everything works o.k. It's very annoying because you use the webcam when you are NOT at home and you cannot do a remote reboot because you have NO connection. The problem is not related to my wifi router because my othe wifi clients have no problem. Any suggestions?


Anzahl der Beiträge : 5
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.11

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3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working Empty Re: 3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working

Beitrag von Jefferson Sa 19 März 2011 - 21:43

Hi joobur,

please check the attachment for the wifi module as the next i would carry out a firmwareupdate.


Kamera-Modell Kamera-Modell : IN-3010

Anzahl der Beiträge : 219
Anmeldedatum : 25.10.10
Ort : Mittelfranken

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3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working Empty Re: 3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working

Beitrag von joobur Sa 19 März 2011 - 22:47

I will check the module.

I already have the latest firmware. Not the beta version. Maybe I could try the beta firmware?


Anzahl der Beiträge : 5
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.11

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3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working Empty Re: 3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working

Beitrag von Jefferson Sa 19 März 2011 - 23:54

not shure... but i dont think it is the solution, i suppose the device is corrupt


Kamera-Modell Kamera-Modell : IN-3010

Anzahl der Beiträge : 219
Anmeldedatum : 25.10.10
Ort : Mittelfranken

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3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working Empty Re: 3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working

Beitrag von joobur So 20 März 2011 - 0:34

How do I open the device to check the wlan connection on the print?


Anzahl der Beiträge : 5
Anmeldedatum : 19.03.11

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3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working Empty Re: 3010 needs a reset after a few hours to keep the wlan working

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